Monday, January 25, 2010

Week 3- Commodity, Chickens and Choices.

Chickens are both, commodities AND voiceless victims of cruel commodification.
If I had to catch, kill, clean and cook my own chicken or any other meat, I admit that I would be a vegetarian. It makes a HUGE difference of being honest with ourselves and killing our own chicken than buying them in sterile packages. Especially in our day in time, technology in our agriculture and way of producing our food- it is easy to ignore the process of the food that we eat. I am a perfect example of buying sterile packages that allow me to ignore the circumstances of the production of the foods that I buy. It is easier to buy the frozen chicken than to actually catch, kill, pluck, clean, cook my meat. Although meat is delicious and high in iron and other things, it would honestly be hard for me to kill a chicken. If I had to take the life of the animal in my hands so that I can eat, I wouldn't do it. I don't think I could. It just makes me think of how Native Americans did it, or how in some traditions, people pray for the animal that just killed, or in other traditions, killing the animal and eating it, when you eat it, bad spirits enter your body because you consumed that animal thats dead... or something like that. We are after all meat eaters-- but it IS possible to be vegetarian. We've just become accustomed to eating meat. Its like if a vegetarian doesn't eat meat for a long long time, and they start eating meat again, their bodies aren't used to it, and it makes them sick. So it is possible. As for right now, it crosses my mind every time I eat meat. I don't have the endurance to become vegetarian.. yet.

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